Graduate Student Seminar series

WISE’s Graduate Student Seminar series was started in August 2017 by Suzanne Nolan, Dr. Riz Klausmeyer, and Dani Crain. Suzanne had the great idea and Dr. Klausmeyer had the means as the Baylor University Women in Science and Engineering (WISE) Chair. Dr. Klausmeyer had recently opened up WISE to graduate students and as PhD students at the time, Suzanne and Dani wanted to give back to their community and were willing to put in the work to make this seminar happen. Every semester 3-4 women graduate students present on their research.

We are always taking nominations for this speaker series. To nominate a STEM woman graduate student at Baylor University, please e-mail us at with the students name, department, anticipated year of graduation, and research topic.